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Account Settings

In Cascade CMS, your account settings are accessible via the user menu. To access the user menu, click on the letter representing your name (or your profile picture if you have one set) in the right corner of the menu bar.

To access your account settings:
  1. Log in to Cascade CMS.
  2. Accessible from anywhere in Cascade, click on the letter representing your name in the right corner of the menu bar.
  3. Click on Settings.

    settings in Cascade CMS

  4. The first option under the Settings dropdown is Unpublish on Move / Delete. We recommend leaving this option checked.

    Unpublish on Move/Delete

  5. The second option under the Settings dropdown is Appearance of Asset Links. We recommend leaving this option unchecked in favor of displaying the asset's system name.

    Appearance of Asset Links


    Cascade CMS provides two options to display asset links: by their system name (as in previous Cascade CMS versions) or by their Title or Display Name.

    We recommend displaying the asset's system name, to match the asset's published filenames / url. You can mouse over any asset name in the Site Content display area to see its full path (system name and path relative to the site's root directory).

  6. Also under the Settings dropdown is the option to choose a Default Site to be taken to on login.

    Default site

View original content in Hannon Hill's Knowledge Base for Cascade CMS: https://www.hannonhill.com/cascadecms/latest/cascade-basics/account-settings.html