Digital Signage

Web and Digital is responsible for the University’s digital signage initiative. Digital signage is content that appears on flat screen displays throughout the University. Our team administers and governs software that networks UM’s flat screens, desktop screensavers and interrupters, and kiosk touch displays.

How We Work

Our digital signage projects follow four main phases:

  1. Intake
  2. Strategy
  3. Design
  4. Implementation

It is important to understand that we help you select the right hardware, and we administer and govern the software used to deploy content on the sign. We can also help design and implement sign functionality.

However, most signage implementations require OUTSIDE PARTICIPANTS who handle such things as purchasing, interior design of the space, electrical wiring, network, and mounting.

Services We Offer

  • Initial consultation
  • Share info about digital signage software
  • Obtain preliminary quotes for signage hardware
  • Collect useful information for decisions about your signage plans
  • Plan how you want your digital sign to function and look
  • Finalize the preliminary quotes
  • Deliver the quotes to a Facilities project manager on your behalf.
  • If standard solution: Design the content that appears on the digital sign
  • If custom solution: Coordinate with your designers/developers to accommodate brand-approved designs into Fourwinds and/or CMS
  • Develop, train content contributors, and launch the display

Our Main Product Line

  • Marketing readerboards
  • Interactive directories
  • Dynamic agendas

See some of our signs in action.

Setup an Initial Consultation

Setup an initial consultation to discuss how digital signage might help your department. In addition, contact us if you have content you’d like shared on digital signs campus wide.
