Cascade CMS Training

Training on how to access and use Cascade CMS, is now available online. This requires reviewing the Basic Training Guide and taking a verification quiz.

Who Needs to Take the Training

Basic training is mandatory for new web editors of sites in Cascade CMS. Participants will be guided through the essentials of the content management system, including, an overview of the CMS, explanation of common terms, navigating through the CMS, and creating content.

Please note: If your website is in ExpressionEngine CMS, used to manage most Miller School of Medicine websites (, do not continue with this training. Instead, review the Medical ExpressionEngine Manual to learn how to log in, add to the navigation of your site, edit content and much more.

Steps to Complete Your Basic Training

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  • Step 1

    Fill out the form below to request access to the testing site (in the CMS). Access is usually granted within two business day.

  • Step 2

    Review the Basic Training Guide for an overview of the essentials of Cascade CMS. It is designed to be read chronologically and then used for reference.  

    Use the site (in the CMS) as a sandbox to test your knowledge. You are encouraged, but not required, to build a standard interior page in the test-pages folder. Use your name for the display and folder name. Publish it to the staging server. Feel free to include images and lorem ispum (fake text) as your page content.

  • Step 3

    Once you have reviewed the material, email, who will send you a link to the verification quiz. 

    In your email, be sure to include:

    • All the site URLs that you will need access to
    • Carbon copy (Cc)your supervisor or appointing authority.

  • Step 4

    Once this quiz has been submitted and reviewed your access will be granted, usually within two business day.

Request Access to Testing Site
