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Create a People List Interior Page

Learn how to create a People List interior page on your University of Miami website.

What is a People List Page?

A People List page is a type of interior page containing lists of people, specifically UM employees. Using this page type, you can display content from one or more people collections (created on the people.miami.edu site).

View samples of the three available views of the page type, Robust List View, Grid List View, or Simple List View.


Build a People List Page

To build a people list page:
  1. In the Site Content menu on the left, click on the folder name where you wish to create the page. 
  2. Look for a red plus sign in the topmost header area of the page, and click on Red plus sign to add content Add Content.
  3. Inside the Site Assets folder, select Interior Page - People List from the dropdown menu.
  4. Leave the default Page Name of index. Verify the Placement Folder is correct. 

    Page Name

  5. Fill out the Metadata information for the page.


    Please refer to our Best Practice Blogs and Websites web page for tips on how to fill out the Metadata.

  6. In the Page Content section, enter your desired Page HeaderPage Lead-In, and Page Content that will appear at the top of your webpage. 

    Page Content Area on People List Page

  7. Fill out the People Collection Title and the People Collection Lead-in text. They are located inside the People List Collection section. 

    People List Collection section on People List Page

  8. Choose your People Collection. To do so, Browse to the ACAD-COMM-people.miami.edu website. click on the collections folder, and select your People Collection file. You would have built this people collection beforehand on the People website.

    Choose People Collection

  9. Choose a Display View by selecting one of the three available views, Robust List View, Grid List View, or Simple List View.

    Display View for People Collection

  10. Select the desired Sort Order for the Collection from the Sort Order dropdown. You can choose either A-Z (by Last Name) or Sort Order from Collection.


    If Sort Order from Collection is selected, then the Collection will inherit the sort order setting(s) from the collection when it was initially created.

    Sort Order for Collection

  11. By default, each collection is set to display 10 entries (Items Per Call). Entering another number in this field will change the number of entries that initially display before the Load More button.

    Items Per Call

  12. Enable/disable a search box (for each collection) by using the check box in the Hide Search section.

    Hide Search

  13. You can Filter Collection by Employee Type.  Select the desired type from the Employee Type dropdown. Multiple filters can be created if you need to filter by more than one Employee Type in a given collection.

    Filter Collection by Employee Type

  14. Click Preview Draft. After previewing the draft, click Submit to save these changes to the CMS.


    You can add multiple collections to a People List page, however, it is suggested not to add more than three. In order to add additional collections, click the plus (+) symbol located to the right of the People List Collection section title.

To publish the people list interior page:
  1. You should now Publish your page. Click on the Publish tab. Select one or more of the outputs to Publish to the destinations selected.