Academic Enterprise Sites

The Academic Enterprise is a very large group of websites and essentially includes all sites that support the academic mission of the University.

It includes:

  • All student lifecycle sites, including, but not limited to, Student Affairs, Commencement, and Alumni sites.
  • All colleges and schools and their sub-departments
  • All administrative areas
  • All fundraising support and campaign sites not handled by the services managed by the Division of University Advancement
  • Most research sites
  • Tactical sites such as people search, news and events content, and other stand-alone initiatives
  • "My" sites that are similar to public-facing sites but are authentication-required and set up for the University's largest internal constituencies, supporting specific adminsitartive areas.

The Web and Digital team's Cascade CMS does not support the following types of sites, that are, nonetheless, part of the academic enterprise:

  • Student organizations and club sites (handled by OrgSync via Student Affairs)
  • Faculty websites that are not People Profile pages (usually not supported, but if so, handled at the college/school level)
