Main University Areas Offered Complete Brand Suites

In order to best facilitate and enable the orderly build-out and maintenance of Web sites using the software we administer and govern, the Division of University Communications Web team offers a branded template suite to the University's largest organizational areas.

Each area strategically considers and architects their own Web site ecosystem (consisting of their Web sites) using the materials we provided.

Anyone interested in building a new Web site, therefore, can do so by working through their parent organizational area listed below. Although we offer service to the following areas, not all of them have engaged with us.

Colleges and Schools

School of Law (ACAD-LAW)
*School of Medicine (ACAD-MED)
College of Engineering (ACAD-ENG)
School of Business Administration (ACAD-BUS)
School of Communication (ACAD-SCOM)
College of Arts and Sciences (ACAD-AS)
Division of Continuing and International Education (ACAD-DCIE)
School of Nursing (ACAD-SONHS)
School of Architecture (ACAD-ARC)
Graduate School (ACAD-GRAD)
Frost School of Music (ACAD-MUS)
Rosenstiel School of Marine (ACAD-RSMS)
School of Education and Human Development (ACAD-ED)

University Areas

President, Compliance, Board of Trustees, General Counsel (ACAD-COMM)
University Communications (ACAD-COMM)
Provost Office (ACAD-PROV)
Student Affairs (ACAD-STUAF)
Advancement (ACAD-ADVAN)
Alumni (ACAD-ALUM)
Admissions (ACAD-ADMIS)
Library (ACAD-LIB)
Emergency Management (ACAD-EMMGT)


  • Italics indicates the areas that have NOT worked with the Web team and activated their collection in the Hannon Hill Cascade Server CMS. If your area is not listed, trace the organizational structure up from your work-group to one of the parent units on the list.  
  • An asterisk "*" indicates only partial engagement at a limited sub-site level has been pursued, which is an exception and not the recommended process we follow. To begin working with us, or call 305-284-1600.
