Web and Digital Advisory Group

  • MThe Web and Digital Communications and Marketing Advisory Group, the successors of the Web Advisory Committee, was created in 2013 to build a sense of community and communication on a wide range of topics related to web development and UM websites.

The committee is chaired by Web and Digital Communication and Marketing. For more information or to share comments or questions about the Web and Digital Communications and Marketing Advisory Group, e-mail webmaster@miami.edu.


The mission of this Web and Digital Communications and Marketing Advisory Group is to strengthen the University’s web and digital communications position by studying issues and providing recommendations on topics concerning current and future strategies.

College and School Members

Architecture (School)

  • DeLaPaz, Ivonne

Arts and Sciences (College)

  • Zafar, Samer Ahmed

Business (Miami Herbert Business School)

  • May Peralta

Communication (School)

  •  Brackman, Gabriel Thomas

Continuing and International Studies (DCIE, Division of Continuing and International Studies)

  • Hall, Lori Ann
  • Lafitte, Omar
  • Guerra, Krystal

Education and Human Development (School)

  • Iacomoni, Daniele

Engineering (College)

  • Perez, Matthew

Law (School)

  • Beiley, Lauren
  • Cox, Stephanie D

Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS/Rosenstiel School)

  • Fertil, Nadia
  • Udel, Diana

Medicine (Miller School)

  • Auguilar, Tauffyt

Music (Frost School)

  • San Pedro, Patricia
  • Englehardt, Kimberly (Frost Live)
  • Hanusa, Rachel (Frost Online)

Nursing and Health Studies (School)

  • Kershner, Brian
  • Manresa, Gersom

Graduate School

  • Lopez Ramos, Laura

Adminstrative Areas


  • Rankow, Nicole


  • Kopec, Heather
  • Hoo, Monica A
  • Choi, Sau Ping


  • Brogdon, Tim

Business and Finance

  • Reidmiller, Debbie (Human Resources)

Emergency Management

  • Shpiner, Matt

Information Technology (UMIT) 

  • Bonanno, Michael A
  • Sotolongo, Cristina T.
  • Torres, Diamari
  • Parodi, Florence (CRM/Salesforce)
  • Duran, Deborah (CRM/Salesforce)


  • Darby, Andrew
  • Herzog, Bryanna Valentine


  • Perreira, Ana
  • Kilpatrick, Sean ('Canes Central)
  • Hightower, Marisa (Civic and Community Engagement)
  • Billups, Mykel Jane (Disability Services, Camner Center)
  • Lauder, Donovan Anthony (Disability Services, Camner Center)
  • Edmond, Kylie (Registrar)
  • Simpson, Dacia Antonette (Classroom Managemnt)

Student Affairs

  • Rau, Jennifer Jo Gallagher
  • Piacentino, Mike Anthony
  • Ruiz, Ernesto Brandy
  • Kenney, Rich (Conference Services, Localist)

University Communications

  • Yunk, Robert
  • Diego, Emil
  • Rivero, Ruben
  • Palma, Jennifer M
  • Howard, Peter


  • Aguilar, Tauffyt
