Complementary Brand Sites

Complementary Brand sites and subsites are very similar to the Primary Master Brand, except there is typically a slight color scheme shift.

For example, in the image below, you can see the Primary Landing Pages for a Master Brand  (on left) and Complementary Brand (on right). As you can see, the main difference is the slight color change. They both share the same navigation styles.

Complementary sites are typically chosen by areas with advanced site architectures. For example, a college may use the Primary Brand for their main site and use Primary Brand subsites for each of their departments and programs. They don't have to do this, but this is an option if they want unique universal navigation or want to have more complex workflows or groups specific to the subsite.

In addition, they may elect to launch Complementary Brand sites for special event sites or research centers. They might do this if they want some subtle additional separation which, again, is available an offered only if so desired by the main University organizational area.

Primary vs. Complementary Master Landing Pages    


Primary vs. Complementary Subsite Landing Pages

As you can see below, Complementary Subsite Landing Pages are also very similar across the brand offerings. The main thing is that there is a slight color shift, and that sites can have their own universal navigation, groups, and workflows independant from any other site.

